12 research outputs found

    Analisis Availabilitas dan Reliabilitas Multi-Master Database Server Dengan State Snapshot Transfers (SST) Jenis Rsync Pada MariaDB Galera Cluster

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    AbstrakSistem database merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari aplikasi berskala enterprise. Data didalamnya merupakan aset yang sangat penting, sehingga data tersebut tidak boleh rusak terlebih lagi hilang. Itulah sebabnya mengapa reliabilitas dan availabilitas sistem database menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Berbagai cara telah dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan reliabilitas dan availabilitas sebuah sistem database, salah satunya adalah teknik replikasi. MariaDB Galera Cluster adalah salah satu DBMS open source populer yang memiliki mekanisme replikasi. MariaDB Galera Cluster memiliki beberapa metode State Snapshot Transfer (SST) pada saat proses replikasi, yaitu rsync, mysqldump, xtrabackup, xtrabackup-v2. Kurangnya pemahaman administrator sistem terhadap perilaku tiap metode SST dapat mengakibatkan error pada sistem database. Untuk mencegahnya diperlukan analisis yang mendalam tentang dampak dan perilaku metode SST yang digunakan. Penelitian ini fokus pada analisis kinerja dari metode SST jenis rsync. Rsync dipilih karena metode ini merupakan metode SST default yang digunakan oleh MariaDB Galera Cluster. Dari hasil percobaan disimpulkan bahwa jumlah node dalam klaster menjadi hal yang perlu menjadi perhatian. Klaster yang hanya memiliki dua node akan sangat rentan terkena gangguan jika salah satu node terputus koneksinya atau mengalami down atau crash, sehingga jumlah node minimal dalam satu klaster yang disarankan adalah tiga node agar availabilitas dan reliabilitas MariaDB Galera Cluster dapat terjaga dengan baik.Kata kunci: database, klaster, availabilitas, reliabilitas, MariaDB Galera ClusterAbstractThe database system is an integral part of enterprise-scale applications. The data in it is a very important asset, so it may not be damaged or lost. That’s why the reliability and availability of the database system become very important. Various ways have been developed to improve the reliability and availability of a database system, one of them is a replication technique. MariaDB Galera Cluster is one of the popular open-source DBMS that has a replication mechanism. MariaDB Galera Cluster has several methods of doing Snapshot State Transfer (SST) during the replication process, namely rsync, mysqldump, xtrabackup, xtrabackup-v2. Lack of understanding by the system administrator of the behavior of every SST method can lead to errors in the database system. To prevent it, depth analysis of the impact and the behavior of the SST methods is required. This study focused on analyzing the performance of rsync SST method. Rsync is chosen because it is the default SST method used by MariaDB Galera Cluster. The experimental results show that the number of nodes in a cluster should be concerned. Clusters which only have two nodes would be highly vulnerable to disruption if one node disconnected or experience down or crash. We recommend the minimum number of nodes in a cluster is three so that the availability and reliability of MariaDB Galera Cluster can be properly maintained.Keywords: database, cluster, availability, reliability, MariaDB Galera Cluste

    Purwarupa Sistem Pengambilan Dan Pengolahan Data Kandungan Gas Karbon Monoksida Di Udara Menggunakan Raspberry Dan Sensor MQ-7

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    AbstrakProses pengambilan data terkait dengan kondisi lingkungan pada area yang luas biasanya dilakukan secara manual dengan melibatkan banyak pihak terkait. Termasuk didalamnya tapi tidak terbatas pada personal, perangkat pendukung dan waktu. Semakin banyak data yang diambil, maka semakin banyak sumber daya yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membuat purwarupa perangkat yang dapat menjadi alternative prosedur atau proses pengambilan data dengan memanfaatkan komputer nano raspberry dan sensor serta modem sebagai perangkatnya. Sensor yang digunakan adalah sensor MQ-7. Sensor ini berfungsi untuk mengukur kadar kandungan zat karbon monoksida di udara. Karena itu, purwarupa ini mampu mengukur dan mengolah informasi kadar gas karbon monoksida di area tertentu. Sebagai tambahan fitur, data dari purwarupa ini kemudian dapat dilihat oleh pengguna melalui antarmuka web.Kata kunci: raspberry pi, sensor MQ-7, web services  AbstractThe processes of data retrieval for such a large areas, such as plantations or industrial area, are often done manually and directly that involving a lot of resources. Including but not limited to personal, supported devices, and time. As more data is taken, the more resources are needed. This research tries to make a prototype device that can help in data sampling processes and at the same time visualize the data digitally and directly utilizing nano computer Raspberry Pi as the primary device and is equipped with MQ-7sensors to capture and measure carbon monoxide from the air and modems as the communication enhancement. While the GSM Card and GPRS modem are added and used to transmit data from sensor to computer server computer that will perform the data processing and visualization with a web-based applications. This prototype shows that the system is able to measure and process the information content of carbon monoxide actual and visible to users through a web interface after being processed by the server.Keywords: raspberry pi, sensor MQ-7, GPRS, realtime, web service

    Pemodelan dan Analisis Wireless Mesh Network dengan Arsitektur Publish-Subscribe dan Protokol MQTT

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    AbstrakAkses terhadap informasi menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi manusia. Namun, tidak semua daerah memiliki akses yang layak terhadap informasi terutama daerah terpencil dikarenakan keterbatasan infrastruktur komunikasi. Teknologi wireless mesh network (WMN) dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah keterbatasan infrastruktur tersebut. Untuk meningkatkan performa WMN, maka perlu adanya rancangan mekanisme pengiriman informasi yang efisien. Ide penelitian ini pada dasarnya adalah memberikan solusi pengiriman informasi menggunakan arsitektur publish subscribe. Protokol publish subscribe yang digunakan adalah protokol MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian terhadap Quality of Service seperti throughput, delay, jitter, dan packet loss untuk keseluruhan node. Pada pengujian QoS arsitektur WMN maupun MTQQ menunjukan bahwa kualitas layanan dipengaruhi oleh jarak,jumlah node yang dilewati dan material yang menghalangi. Seperti yang ditunjukan pada hasil pengujian antara node yang dihalangi tiga tembok beton, packet lossnya mencapai 88.8% dan delaynya sebesar 2.493,79 ms.Kata kunci: wireless, mesh network, publish and subscribeAbstractHas an access to the information becomes a very important requirement for humans. However, not all areas are have adequate access to information, especially in rural areas due to limited communication infrastructures. Wireless mesh network (WMN) technology may be can act as one alternative solution to overcome the problems. To improve the performance of WMN, it is necessary to design efficient information delivery mechanism. The idea of this research is basically giving information delivery solutions using the publish subscribe architecture. Publish-subscribe protocol used here is the MQTT protocol (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). In this research, the Quality of Service testing such as throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss for the entire node. On testing and MTQQ WMN QoS architecture shows that quality of service is affected by distance, number of nodes that pass and blocking material. As shown in the test results between nodes that hindered three concrete walls, packet lossnya reached 88.8% and the delay amounted to 2493.79 ms.Keywords: wireless, mesh network, publish and subscrib

    Pengembangan Infrastruktur Komunikasi Multigroup Pada Wi-Fi Direct

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    AbstrakWi-Fi Direct merupakan alternatif lain dari penerapan opportunistic network selain ad- hoc. Wi-Fi Direct dapat mudah ditemukan pada perangkat android keluaran terbaru. Hal ini dapat mengatasi permasalahan ad – hoc yang tidak bisa digunakan oleh perangkat android keluaran terbaru. Namun Wi-Fi Direct memilki keterbatasan dikarenakan arsitektur dari Wi-Fi Direct yang terpusat sehingga jangkauan jaringannya tidak sama dengan ad - hoc. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan arsitektur komunikasi multigroup pada Wi-Fi Direct khususnya perangkat bergerak android dengan melibatkan jembatan antar group menggunakan Legacy Client serta menguji kinerja dari infratruktur yang dibangun. Hasil dari pengujian kinerja arsitektur multigroup Wi-Fi Direct adalah berupa waktu delay penemuan perangkat, pembentukan group, pengiriman pesan group dan pengiriman pesan multigroup. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian berdasarkan skenario yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemindaian perangkat mencatat waktu tercepat yaitu 4.041 detik dan waktu terlama 17.184 detik, pembentukan group mencatat waktu tercepat 1.524 detik dan waktu terlama 2.511 detik, pengiriman pesan group mencatat waktu tercepat 2.637 detik dan waktu terlama 6.126, dan untuk pengiriman pesan multigroup tidak dapat dilakukan. Komunikasi antar Group Owner tidak dapat dilakukan secara langsung karena terjadi konflik alamat IP.Kata kunci: Wi-Fi Direct, Group Wi-Fi Direct, Multigroup Wi-Fi Direct, Opportunistic Network, Android. AbstractWi-Fi Direct is an alternative for the application of opportunistic network in addition to ad-hoc. Wi-Fi Direct can be easily found on the latest android device. It can overcome the problems of ad - hoc that can not be used by the latest android device. However Wi-Fi Direct have the limitations due to the architecture of Wi-Fi Direct centralized so that network coverage is not the same as the ad - hoc. Therefore, in this research, the development of communications architecture Multigroup on Wi-Fi Direct, especially mobile android involving bridges between groups using the Legacy Client and test the performance of the infrastructure. The results of the performance testing architecture Multigroup Wi-Fi Direct is a form of time delay device discovery, group formation, group messaging and message delivery Multigroup. Based on the results of research based on scenarios that can be concluded that the scanning device is recording the fastest time is 4.041 seconds and the longest time 17.184 seconds, the formation of the group recorded the fastest time of 1.524 seconds and the longest time 2.511 seconds, sending the message group recorded the fastest time of 2.637 seconds and the longest time 6.126, and for message delivery Multigroup can not be done. Communication between Group Owner can not be done directly because of an IP address conflict.Keywords: Wi-Fi Direct, Group Wi-Fi Direct, Multigroup Wi-Fi Direct, Opportunistic Network, Android

    Architectural design of IoT-cloud computing integration platform

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    An integration between the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing can potentially leverage the utilization of both sides. As the IoT based system is mostly composed by the interconnection of pervasive and constrained devices, it can take a benefit of virtually unlimited resources of cloud entity i.e storage and computation services to store and process its sensed data. On the other hand, the cloud computing system may get benefit from IoT by broadening its reach to real world environment applications. In order to incarnate this idea, a cloud software platform is needed to provide an integration layer between the IoT and cloud computing taking into account the heterogenity of network communication protocols as well as the security and data management issues. In this study, an architectural design of IoT-cloud platform for IoT and cloud computing integration is presented. The proposed software platform can be decomposed into five main components namely cloud-to-device interface, authentication, data management, and cloud-to-user interface component. In general, the cloud-to-device interface acts as a data transmission endpoint between the whole cloud platform system and its IoT devices counterpart. Before a session of data transmission established, the communication interface contact the authentication component to make sure that the corresponding IoT device is legitimate before it allowed for sending the sensor data to cloud environment. Notice that a valid IoT device can be registered to the cloud system through web console component. The received sensor data are then collected in data storage component. Any stored data can be further analyzed by data processing component. User or any developed applications can then retrieve collected data, either raw or processed data, through API data access and web console

    Information and Data Distribution System for Rural Areas of Indonesia

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    Abstract. Internet becomes critical infrastructure in the distribution of information. The information is used for decision making and ensure the success of human activities. However, the distribution of information in rural Indonesia is inconvenient, because the digital communication infrastructure (internet) doesn’t cover all areas in Indonesia. This problem causes the digital divide in Indonesia. This study proposes communications infrastructure and data transfer mechanism or media sharing that can be applied to a variety of rural areas conditions in Indonesia, which has limited communications infrastructure. The approach is to build low power digital carrier devices in the form of minicomputer and utilize Delay or Disruptions Tolerant Network (DTN) architecture. Testing results in the digital carrier node show that the data is successfully delivered. Keywords: Rural Area, Mini-PC, Delay Tolerant Networ